Monday, November 23, 2015

Semana Cincuenta y Siete - Tiolarque

This week flew!!! Like crazy…hahaha.  It was a week full of good member missionary work. We left with members, taught with members and got references and such. I have learned something very important, and that is to be grateful to the Lord for the help that he has given us. For example, I have had a really hard time with my companion... it is a fight every day to be excited and happy and to help her out as well.  So I have been praying for strength to be able to do it. But!! I learned that I can thank the Lord for the strength that he has given me and for the strength that I do have. By being grateful for the things that the Lord has given me I can see that the Lord blesses even more! It’s wonderful!!! I am so grateful for the attitude of Gratitude. If we are never grateful how in the world can we recognize the wonderful blessings we receive from the Lord every single day? 

This week Junior is getting baptized!!! It is a wonderful blessing because he is activating his best friend who is now almost completely reactivated. Plus, Junior is so awesome, he understands everything and just by learning about the Atonement of Jesus Christ and his gospel he has been making the changes on his own.  For example, about a month ago he had a problem with alcohol and when we started teaching him he decided to stop it because he wanted to change.  We didn’t teach him the Word of Wisdom and when we did this past week he told us the reason why he did it was because he felt he should change this and that he wanted to follow Jesus Christ more. As well, he LOVES SOCCER and he has practices every once and once in a while on Sundays and even before we taught him keeping the Sabbath Day holy he told us that he had practice the next Sunday but he said he wasn’t going to go because he needed to go to church instead.  Just by learning about the gospel people will make the changes in their lives they need to make if they truly have a desire to follow Jesus Christ. He is so cool. I am so grateful for this opportunity to be a part of his conversion and teach him. Next year he turns 18 so he can prepare for a mission. We are going to talk to some young adults who are returned missionaries and who are active to excite him and his best friend to serve.

Funny story, in the ward I am in I am the official music pianist for Sacrament Meeting.  Every Sunday I get a chance to practice a bit and I know the Lord heps me so much. Plus, the members are not very musical so they don’t know if I mess up!  I taught a kid how to play a couple songs for the Primary Program that I may not be here for... hahaha… fun but sad. I love the mission and I am enjoying it. Especially the Spirit. I have gotten used to having the Spirit so strong so I have to constantly search for it and invite it. It’s interesting.   

I am so grateful for this wonderful mission!!! It’s the best!!!

Hermana Reed

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