Monday, February 29, 2016

Semana Setenta y Uno

I was reading something this week that really hit me 

¨You wanted me to change the world. Did you think there would be no cost?¨ - Martin Luther

¨You young missionaries came out here to change the world, to change lives, but there is a cost. It costs everything that you have on the altar of sacrifice-your fears, your pride, your laziness, your dis-obedience, your weaknesses; we cannot hold anything back. When you came to the mission field you burned bridges behind you, you burned ships in the harbor. There is no retreat to your former life. You cannot have one foot at home and one foot in the mission field.” 

I love this quote because Its true... being a missionary you cannot afford to be thinking of home... you cannot be at home and in your mission at the same time!!! its impossible!!!! But I have learned that with time it becomes easier and easier to focus everything that you have on the work. One becomes more consecrated in what they are doing... and only has a desire to serve the Lord and preach the gospel and repentance at the people that they are serving. I know it’s true... I have felt it... every day I have such a strong desire to serve and to preach... and there is nothing that gives me greater happiness than doing exactly what I am doing right now. I love the scripture in Alma 29:9 ... Se lo que el Señor me ha mandado, y en ello me glorío. Y no me glorío en mi mismo, sino en lo que el Señor me ha mandado. Si, y esta es mi gloria, que quizá pueda ser un instrumento en las manos de Dios para conducir a algún alma al arrepentimiento, y este es mi gloria.... This is my joy!!!! 

[Translation: I know that which the Lord hath commanded me, and I glory in it. I do not glory of myself, but I glory in that which the Lord hath commanded me; yea, and this is my glory, that perhaps I may be an instrument in the hands of God to bring some soul to repentance; and this is my joy.]

This past week we had exchanges and I was in Cerro Grande.... funny thing was that I ended up singing in a baptism that wasn’t in my district or my zone.... and yesterday they asked me if I could give a talk..... it was super super funny for me.  J 

Anyways turns out the Belinda went to church.... The story with her is that she wasn’t going to come to church because she sells in mercados [stores].... so when we taught her about the Sabbath day I had the strongest feeling to share my testimony and promise her that if she decided to go to church God would open up the doors for her to go.... and it turns out she went and was 15 minutes early!!! I almost cried because I was so happy!!!!


Love you all!!!! happy leap year!!!

Hermana Reed

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