Monday, January 5, 2015

Semana Doce

Hola Familia!!!

I love you all so much!!! This year is a year of goals, set goals and then actually do them!! The way to make your goals complete are to also make plans for your goals, if you don’t then what’s the point of setting goals? I have really learned how to set goals and make plans here because that is how we are successful, we make daily goals and weekly goals, every night we plan what we are going to do and then every morning we plan even more specifically. Sometimes plans don’t always turn out, but if you have a plan then the Lord will provide the rest for you.

Anyways, this coming Saturday I will have my first baptism! Her name is Allison and she is 13, her mom and twin brother are members and she is not. The sad thing is that she and her brother are leaving for Florida this month to stay with their dad who’s not the best influence for school, and their mom has to stay here and can’t have any contact with them. It absolutely breaks my heart. Also, this past week, I have been given a very interesting gift... an egg, and it was from our family that we are teaching ... it’s a lovely gift.

I have pictures I will send you all. And also something that I have really focused on this week is how important it is to have a home where love and Christ and the Lord are central.  We are teaching a family where the parents are not married and they are only getting married for their kids ... it absolutely breaks my heart. I am so grateful I grew up in a home where the Lord and love were in my home. Life is hard and what happens if life gets hard and those two crucial things are not present?

This New Year was tranquila, because we had a rule where all of the Hermanas had to stay inside all day, so for New Years I read Jesus the Christ and studied the New Testament even more. I love studying Christ’s ministry, he is the perfect example for all of us!! I love you all.  Make this 2015 the best year yet and complete your goals!!


Hermana Reed

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